Credit card processing fees can be extensive, complicated, and overwhelming. But don't let this get in the way of expanding the payment options available to your business: interchange fees are part of the process of completing a transaction yet they need not be a deterrent to the success of your business. That's why, here at Credit Card Merchant Account Services, we're dedicated to clarifying the process for you, unpacking it for you upon request as part of our customer service guarantee, and, additionally, offering you exclusively low rates on a no-hidden-fees and no-contract basis.
An interchange fee is charged when a transaction occurs between one bank and another. The process is further complicated by the different type of credit cards available and their associated fees; the type of business involved and the type of transaction (card-present or card-not-present in the case of MOTO, or mail/telephone order payments); and further variables including transaction volumes and delays. Put simply, there's a lot that goes into determining interchange fees.
Credit Card Merchant Accounts is dedicated to transparency throughout this process - we work with you to ensure you're not left in the dark over the ins and outs of the interchange fee process, and to protect you from unnecessary, higher fees. We provide interchange rate fees as low as 0.15% + $0.10 per transaction. Contact us today to discuss your credit card interchange fee and the payment acceptance programs available to you.
Rates as low as Interchange + 0.15% + $0.10
Free equipment including Clover for qualified merchants
No hidden fees - No contracts
Easy, Secure, & Reliable Credit Card Processing. State-of-the-art technology for POS systems, mobile payments, & wireless programs. Transform your payments data into valuable insights about your customers and sales.